Who’s ready to close the books on 2020? Thankfully, it’s that time of year again where we get to welcome a new beginning. To help you on your marketing journey, let’s do some business planning, so that when the ball drops at midnight, your business is immediately ready for success in the New Year.
Goal Casting
When you look back over 2021, we want you to feel proud of your accomplishments. That is why we are starting out by identifying your goals. Take your time and think about your ambitions for the year ahead. Do you want to grow your practice? Increase profitability? Hire a new associate? There are no wrong answers — write them below.
My top three business goals for 2021 are:
Your Goals in Action
Taking a wild guess, but was one of your goals business growth? If it was, great! Let’s look at a helpful tool that will help you build your business - the pipeline funnel. We want to help you specifically identify where you can enhance your pipeline management process to nurture cold leads into new retirement plan clients. Instructions Next to each pipeline activity, you will see an open checkbox. If you are doing that marketing activity, please place a check mark within the box.
AWARENESS: Top of the funnel. This stage focuses on generating buzz. What activities are you implementing to drive top-of-the-funnel awareness?
These activities keep you top of mind with your clients and centers of influence so that when an opportunity presents itself, they can rave about you and your professional retirement plan services.
Sharing social media updates
LinkedIn ads
Sending emails
Hosting webinars
Recording videos
Digital ads
INTEREST: First level of engagement. This phase means that the prospect realizes they have a problem and are looking for an experienced retirement plan advisor with expertise to help them solve it. This is where you can demonstrate your authority.
Blog articles
Plan sponsor guides
Gated content
Case studies
Financial wellness programs
Other content marketing materials
DECISION: The iron is getting hot. Like it or not, the events of 2020 have changed our world and with that, we all need to adapt. This includes reviewing your foundational marketing materials (websites, brochures, pitch decks, handouts, etc.) and reevaluating your digital content.
Assess it like an outsider; if you need help ask your wholesaler partners for feedback. The purpose of this exercise is to ensure that your visual presentation reflects your professional services.
Have a great website
Professional social media profile
Up-to-date pitch deck
Digital brochures
Sample reports
Service calendar
RFP responses
Nurture marketing campaigns
ACTION: Signing on the dotted line. At this stage, the plan sponsor is going to make a binary action: hire you or not. Ideally, they have chosen you as their new retirement plan advisor. Congratulations!
While this is a win, don’t stop there. It is important to nurture this valuable relationship because they are now back in the “awareness” portion of the funnel, not as a prospect but as a potential referral source. This is a great opportunity to evaluate your post-finalist and onboarding process. How are you reinforcing the relationship? Small touch points and gratitude go a long way.
Case studies
Client appreciation events/small gifts
Email campaigns
Social media connections
Educational webinars
Best practice guides
Thank you notes
Identify Soft Spots
Now that you have checked off all activities you are currently implementing, do you see any blank sections? Are you missing anything within your pipeline process? If so, circle three new activities that you would like to focus on within the new year.
Also, strive for a minimum of three activities in each layer of the pipeline. By having a pipeline management process, you can track how prospects are graduating through each section as they convert into warmer and warmer leads. This is going to help effectively and efficiently move your prospects from cold prospects into new 401(k) clients.
Fix the Leaks
2021 is your year! If you are missing any sections, no worries, you have 365 days in front of you to address them. Use this plan sponsor pipeline funnel to identify any opportunities for improvement so that you can make 2021 your best year yet!
Thanks for reading and happy marketing!
About 401(k) Marketing
We believe the retirement plan industry can do better. Our clients are the best professional retirement plan advisors and TPAs in the business. They care deeply about saving America’s retirement future. We are proud to share their voices through industry writings, professionally-designed marketing materials (including websites), and expert content collateral. We lend support by promoting businesses through ongoing awareness campaigns. www.401k-marketing.com
About Retirement Plan Marketing
Retirement Plan Marketing is a product of 401(k) Marketing and is an ongoing turnkey marketing solution for retirement plan advisors. It is an easy-to-follow, consistent marketing program designed to get you noticed in your community and generate new retirement plan sales. When you deliver relevant plan sponsor content, you add value to your conversations and can work your way up to become known as the “go-to” retirement plan advisory office. www.retirementplanmarketinginabox.com