Oh, the glorious holidays. Did anyone else eat too much? Drink too much? And, have a great holiday season? Well, now it’s time to tighten it up, bring it in, and buckle down for the New Year. And that includes getting your TPA practice in tip-top shape.
Here are top 5 things you can do today to prepare for a successful new year:
Create a marketing calendar. By completing a marketing calendar, you can plan your year. Once you establish a task, set a deadline. By understanding what marketing initiatives are important to your business, you can be prepared to achieve your goals. For a 90-Day Marketing Template, click here.
Update your LinkedIn Profile. New Year, New You. If your headshot is over 2 years old, it’s time for a new smile. While you are updating your profile, take a look at your summary. Your opening paragraph should GRAB your reader’s attention and PROMOTE your retirement plan expertise.
Google “Retirement Plan Advisor” and your city, state. Take a look at the companies and names of those advisors. Now, give those professionals a call and ask them to coffee. By building your Strength Network, you will increase future referrals and become known for your trusted skillset.
Look at your existing marketing materials. When you give your collateral to clients, prospects, and industry professionals, you are literally placing your business in their hands. As an industry professional, do your marketing materials enhance (or diminish) your brand image?
Buy lunch for a wholesaler. This time of year, many RVPs are planning upcoming seminars. Ask if they need a guest speaker. That could be a great way for you to increase your brand awareness, while not having the headache (or cost) of hosting an event.
While there are lots of additional marketing efforts you could execute, we wanted to give you just a few actions that could have a big impact towards your New Year success.
One thing to remember is that marketing is a journey. It takes dedication, commitment, and time to see consistent results. No matter where you are within your TPA practice, some marketing is better than no marketing. And – it’s best to start today!
Thanks for reading and Happy Marketing!
About 401(k) Marketing
We believe the retirement plan industry can do better. Our clients are the best professional retirement plan advisors and TPAs in the business. They care deeply about saving America’s retirement future. We are proud to share their voices through industry writings, professionally-designed marketing materials (including websites), and expert content collateral. We lend support by promoting businesses through ongoing awareness campaigns. www.401k-marketing.com
About Retirement Plan Marketing
Retirement Plan Marketing is a product of 401(k) Marketing and is an ongoing turnkey marketing solution for retirement plan advisors. It is an easy-to-follow, consistent marketing program designed to get you noticed in your community and generate new retirement plan sales. When you deliver relevant plan sponsor content, you add value to your conversations and can work your way up to become known as the “go-to” retirement plan advisory office. www.retirementplanmarketinginabox.com