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  • Writer's pictureRebecca Hourihan

Who’s Addicted to Their Phones? [Part 1 of 3]

If you said, “Yes, I am,” then you’re not the only one – and you’re prospects are too! The majority of us are on screen time 3 hours and 15 minutes per day. Whether it is a quick email or flipping through social media, more and more moments of the day are devoted to staring into our devices.

As a retirement plan advisor, wouldn’t it be helpful to know where your prospects are spending their time, so that you can be there too? This means creating a marketing strategy that optimizes your digital presence and, specifically, handheld devices.

In this multi-series, we are going to focus on three ways to enhance your digital presence to get you seen by more plan sponsor prospects.

Join the Digital Conversation

Did you know that LinkedIn is the primary B2B social media platform? The average CEO has 930 connections. Also, of the people who actively read the posted content, 45% of them are in upper-level positions (managers, VPs, Directors, C-level) -- the exact people making decisions about the company’s retirement plan.

However, an average user only spends 17 minutes per month on the platform. This means, when they login and scroll, it’s important to know how the platform’s algorithm works. So that when your perfect prospect is scrolling through LinkedIn, it is your content that they see and that can lead to an inbound message.

Get your content seen:

  1. First and foremost, post relevant content (e.g. articles that a CEO, CFO or Director of HR would want to read to learn more about managing their company’s retirement plan)

  2. Next, ask your team and other trusted professionals to “like”, comment and share your content

  3. Take it a step further by sharing your content within relevant industry groups (the SHRM group in your area, CFO Controllers Group, SCORE Group; plus, search for other groups around your location)

Additionally, if you have written an article, try this. Email your contact list about the topic with a >> CLICK TO READ button that features your LinkedIn article. Their clicks will bring an outside spotlight on your article and increase its circulation, thus restarting the LinkedIn algorithm, which will enhance your post’s circulation even longer.

One more thing: keep in mind that nearly 60% of LinkedIn users access the platform from their phones, so be sure to prep your posts for mobile viewing. One way to do this is to keep posts short and include an interesting image.

Hope this information is helpful! In our next post, we are going to share tips to increase your website’s mobile friendliness to convert more curious site visitors into inbound leads.

Thanks for reading and Happy Marketing!

About 401(k) Marketing

We believe the retirement plan industry can do better. Our clients are the best professional retirement plan advisors and TPAs in the business. They care deeply about saving America’s retirement future. We are proud to share their voices through industry writings, professionally-designed marketing materials (including websites), and expert content collateral. We lend support by promoting businesses through ongoing awareness campaigns.

About Retirement Plan Marketing

Retirement Plan Marketing is a product of 401(k) Marketing and is an ongoing turnkey marketing solution for retirement plan advisors. It is an easy-to-follow, consistent marketing program designed to get you noticed in your community and generate new retirement plan sales. When you deliver relevant plan sponsor content, you add value to your conversations and can work your way up to become known as the “go-to” retirement plan advisory office.

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